People Inside Building
Watercolor background  illustration


PERIODE 2024/2025

Watercolor background  illustration

Fatimah Azzahra & Bassam

Sekolah Indonesia Jeddah atau disingkat SIJ adalah ​sebuah sekolah Indonesia yang terletak di kota ​Jeddah, Arab Saudi. yang menyelenggarakan ​pendidikan tingkat dasar dan menengah sesuai ​dengan kurikulum pendidikan nasional dibawah ​pengelolaan Atase Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan KBRI ​Riyadh.

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School Over​view

SIJ puts great pride in the parts that make up its whol​e.

Student Profile

Teaching Staff

Schools & Departments

Our Facilities

Empty Rustic Themed Lecture Room

Ac​ademic Buildings

Facilities used for educational ​purposes within an academic ​institution; teaching, research, ​administ​ration, and student services.


A room for collection of books used ​for reading all study by student, ​teacher​, and school members.

Music St​udio

A specialized facilty for recording, ​produ​ction and mixing music.


Terwujudnya insan yang beriman, ​bertaqwa, berprestasi, dan ​berwawasan global